Thursday, May 28, 2009


Along the Androscoggin River in Berlin, New Hampshire the International Paper Mill sits silent as the sun sinks below the ridge of the Presidential Mountains in the distance. The large concrete tower stands in stark contrast to the pale pink and orange sky. Once a bustling, industrious part of town, the mill and the abandoned site it rests upon is now only a reminder of what used to be. Remnants of the mills former buildings and smoke stacks can be seen in the decaying foundations that cast long shadows across the rubble and dirt. Sounds of the mill machinery buzzing, loggers yelling across the yard to one another, truck engines roaring are silent now. Only the hushed sound of the Androscoggin as it makes its way slowly past the site can be heard. As darkness falls, the site seems to be waiting...quietly...patiently....anticipating the change that is to come. A transformation that will shape the future of Berlin forever.

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