Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Keeping in mind that my "identity" of the new Berlin is based on the following principles:
-accessibility to the site
-green space
-visual connectivity
I am attempting to lay out the site - and make connections between the buildings and the IDENTITY which I am proposing.

Sketch One:

First I began with a sketch similar to what D and I worked on together - with the same concept as what I was trying to propose below (to slope the grade to the water). The orange areas are hard spaces, while the green areas are green spaces.

Sketch Two:

Thinking about bringing the river into the site - by cutting away at the rivers edge to create a relationship between the river and the green space.

Sketch Three:

Rather than just creating the space (for the green space opposite the mill footprint) I decided to mirror the landscape as well. Visually, I like the way the egde of the water pushes and pulls with the water. Also, I like the concept of sloping and gently stepping down to the rivers edge.
Here, however, I struggled with the path between the community building (far left) and the mill. Also, I do want an abundance of green space on my site - I dont know if simply placing trees on either side of the NOLS green is enough (or too much!).

Sketch Four:

Playing with the rivers edge - taking away portions of the river to reflect the site. Once again, struggling with the paths/edges between community center and mill. The convergence of the two paths does create a nice space in the direction of the view of the mountains - but I'm not yet sure how to address that.

Sketch Five:

I tried to expand the river and keep a portion of the land mass....but this does not relate to the new identity.

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